By-Laws – Revised/Approved January 2018
Article I
Election of Directors and Officers
Section I
No later than the first regular meeting in October, the President shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of at least three Past Presidents.
a) At the first regular meeting in November, the Nominating Committee shall present its slate of candidates for President, President Elect & Vice-President.
b) The committee shall also present its slate of candidates for Board of Directors of the Club; this slate shall consist of:
Group 1. Current elected Directors of the Board who agree to be nominated and are not otherwise ineligible.
Group 2. Other members in good standing of the Club who will serve if elected.
c) The slate shall also reflect the names of members appointed by the President-Elect to serve as Secretary and Treasurer.
d) At the second regular Club meeting in November, additional nominations may be made from the floor.
c) The slate shall also reflect the names of members appointed by the President-Elect to serve as Secretary and Treasurer.
d) At the second regular Club meeting in November, additional nominations may be made from the floor.
e) The nominations duly made shall be placed on a ballot in alphabetical order under each office and shall be voted on at the second regular meeting in December. The candidates for President, PresidentElect &, Vice-President, receiving a majority of the votes shall be declared elected to their respective offices. The candidates from Group 1 (current members of the Board) and Group 2 (members-at-large) receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected to the new Board of Directors as prescribed in Article II, Sect 1.
f) In the event of a tie vote, there shall be a run-off vote by written ballot at the next regular meeting. As an alternative, a run-off vote may be conducted electronically, with the results made known by the next regular meeting.
g) No members of the Board shall serve more than 3 consecutive elected terms in office.
The President elected in such balloting shall serve as a member of the sitting Board as President-Designate (VP) and as PresidentElect in the year following and shall assume office as President on the first day of July, immediately following the year of service as President-Elect.
Section 2
The Officers and Directors, so elected, together with the Immediate Past President, shall constitute the Board of Directors. At the first scheduled meeting of the new Board, the President shall nominate some member of the Club to act as Sergeant-at Arms with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors.
Section 3
A vacancy in the Board of Directors or any office shall be filled by action of the remaining members of the Board, or not filled if that is the wisdom of the Board.
Section 4
A vacancy in the position of any Officer-Elect or Director-Elect shall be filled by action of the remaining members of the Board of Directors-Elect.