This recognition is unique to Catalina Rotary Club (CRC) and is not governed by Rotary International.
Past Catalina Rotary President, Secretary, Treasurer or a former member who has served Catalina Rotary with distinction and is no longer an Active member.
Non-Hosted attendance at CRC meetings and fellowship events, inclusion in the CRC Handbook, receipt of an emailed copy of the weekly Wagon Wheel and other Club mailings which are not specifically targeted at Active members.
A Past Leader will be proposed by letter to the Board of Directors for consideration. If accepted by the Board, transition into the Distinguished Alumni Membership will be accompanied with a letter describing such membership as a recognition of excellence in service and extension of friendship. A presentation will take place at a regular Friday meeting and the membership will welcome a new Distinguished Alumni as it would a new member or a new Paul Harris Fellow.
This recognition will be reviewed in May of each Rotary Year. Alumni will be dropped if the Board removes them by majority vote, if they become an active member of another Rotary Club, request that they be dropped or are deceased.
Currently Vic Hanson, Russell Long, Bill Marks and Ken Meenan are Catalina Rotary’s Distinguished Alumni.