Rotary International rules require that a member attend at least 50% of the regular weekly club meetings in each semester of the Rotary year (July 1 to Dec 31 and Jan 1 to Jun 30). Catalina members are expected to do considerably better and it is the goal of the Club to maintain a minimum of 90% overall attendance.
Catalina Rotary meetings are scheduled from 12:10 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. (80 minutes). A member must be present for at least 48 minutes (60% of the meeting) to be counted in attendance. However, if it is necessary to leave before 1:30 p.m., it will be considered appropriate to leave just prior to the beginning of the program as a courtesy to the speaker.
Attendance may be made up by attending the regular meeting of any other chartered Rotary or the Catalina Rotaract Club at any time during a fourteen (14) day period before or after our own club’s meeting.
The club Secretary can provide information concerning the meetings of all Rotary clubs, in addition to those on pp. 43 and 44 of this handbook. Rotary rules also stipulate that any member who fails to attend four (4) consecutive meetings without an exemption granted by the Board, or misses eleven (11) meetings in a single semester, MUST be dropped from club membership. If the member wishes to be reinstated he/she must submit a written request to the Board of Directors for consideration.
When a member finds that circumstances will prevent attendance for a period of time, the Board of Directors, upon application by the member, MAY grant such member a leave of absence for that period of time. Travel in an area without a Rotary club and extended incapacitation due to illness are examples of situations which normally justify being excused from attendance. The member is responsible for initiating requests for excused absence or leave of absence.
Catalina Rotary takes the position that no member can contribute to, nor benefit from Rotary unless he/she takes an active part in club functions, does his/her fair share on committee assignments and makes up absences.