Meeting gaveled into session by President Bob Grady at 12:11 pm.
M. Craig provided an eloquent invocation.
Lunch consisted of Teriyaki Chicken Skewers over Pineapple Rice, green bean almonds, and bread pudding; or Cobb Salad.
Steve Pender provided AV expertise as AV system was persnickety.
Sharyn Chesser (today’s greeter) introduced today’s guests: Joan Buth and Jim Kester, both repeat visits for these former Rotarians who are possible candidates for our club.
Raffle for Big Idea: Past President Pat Egbert announced that 23 tickets out of our goal of 50 have been sold and encouraged all to participate.
President Bob made the following announcements:
Next Happy Hour will be from 5:00 PM to 6:30 on Thursday, May 30th at Guadalajara Grill, right next door to the Viscount. Be there or be square.
There were sign-up sheets for hands-on volunteer work in two shifts on June 15th at the Boys and Girls Club at Country Club and Grant (next to Doolin Jr. H.S.) Pres. Bob said next to Dooley School but we all know Dooleys is a bar he used to go to in New Hampshire.
To ramp up our understanding of the Creative Arts Center, we will have our June 7th meeting not at the Viscount but at the above mentioned Boys and Girls Club in the multi-purpose room on the second floor which is where we will be transforming it into a Creative Arts Center.
Queen of Hearts
Joanne Westerman handled the Queen of Hearts Raffle flawlessly (with her pre-selected six packs and other innovations). President Bob’s ticket was selected (no collusion, no obstruction!). He drew the 9 of Diamonds so the beat goes on. Pot is over $3600. Scant 8 cards remain.
Sergeant at Arms
Tom Robertson had a very productive Sergeant of Arms session. Among many happy bucks, Pat Egbert thanked Michael Troughton for selling his and Candy’s ranch property in SE Tucson so quickly.
Tom Roberston introduced our guest speaker, Ali Farhang, attorney, community activist and high school football coach (Salpointe). Ali made a strong presentation on the importance of sports to a vibrant community. Ali was born and raised in Tucson and is working tirelessly to change Tucson’s sometimes self-defeatist narrative, leveraging off the revitalized downtown, and creating a positive community self-perception and positive energy. Ali took us through the beginnings and progress that has been made with the Nova Home Loans Arizona Bowl and the nascent Tucson Sugar Skulls (where he is an investor).
He says the economic impact of the Arizona Bowl for Tucson has exceeded $100 million since its inception and they gave away $600,000 to community charities last year. All proceeds are donated. Ali is working on making the Arizona Bowl an event and not just a game. This year’s game will be on New Year’s Eve day.
Finally, Ali says he loves coaching high school football and raising kids’ expectations for themselves. He was awarded as Father of the Year recently. His daughter was unimpressed he said.
President Bob thanked Ali with our special Four-Way Test coin, recognized today’s volunteers and sent us on our way with three football quotes from the legendary Vince Lombardi. We all charged out of the meeting spoiling to hit someone.