President Bob Grady began by inviting those present to take a minute to greet someone who they had not had the chance yet to do so. Following the pledge, Norm Rebenstorf gave the invocation.
1. Please sign up for one of the six meeting roles. Sign-up sheets are on the table.
2. Remember to sign up for the District 5500 Conference Cruise scheduled October 25-28, 2019. Members are encouraged to sign up by the end of January to receive the lower cost and a room.
3. We are scheduled to volunteer at the Food Bank next Saturday, January 12th , from 8:30 until noon. At least 5 more volunteers are needed.
4. The Literacy initiative planning session is January 14th at 4 PM at Literacy Connects.
5. Another Happy Hour Is scheduled for Thursday January 24th at Contigo. More information to follow.
6. An email has been sent to all members for rodeo sign-up.
7. The van is filling quickly for the trip to Alamos, Mexico, Jan. 31-Feb.3 to kick-off our joint Global Grant. Contact Barbara Kiernan for more info.
Winter visitor Rotarian Merle Anderson was welcomed back.
Rotary Foundation Chair Al Chesser presented Norm Rebenstorf with a Level 6, Paul Harris Fellow Pin which has 5 sapphire’s and presented Jeff Hamstra with a Level 3 Paul Harris Fellow pin with 2 sapphire’s. Al thanked Jeff and Norm for their generosity and for the impact they are allowing Rotary to have around the world.
Queen of Hearts
The pot reached $2,403 today and Jeff Hamstra had the opportunity to take one-half home, but pulled a two of diamonds. There are now twenty-two cards remaining and the odds are improving.
Sergeant at Arms
Today’s SAA, Matt Mathewson, began with the question, what is this year In the Chinese calendar? The few who knew the answer is The Year of the Pig were excused from putting a dollar in the can. Those who did not read Steve Pender’s letter to the editor In the January Rotarian were asked to put a dollar in the can. Matt shared possible New Year resolutions for members to consider and asked that individuals make a commitment to at least three of them. They are: bring a guest to a meeting at least every other month; sponsor a program sometime during the year; when buying your Queen of Hearts tickets, consider buying $5 for 6 tickets or more every time; if you miss a meeting do a make-up and remember to inform the Secretary; go to each fellowship event the club sponsors ; participate in each service project the club sponsors; consider taking the Rotary Peace Academy Course Online; contribute to your Paul Harris Fellow at whatever level and try to complete it; give more to the Foundation than you did last year; make at least one happy bucks donation every month.
Happy bucks announcements included Sharyn Chesser, who thanked fellow member Jack Aaron for the gift of sight thanks to cataract removals. Everyone laughed when Al said now that she has her sight back she told him he needs to go on a diet. Elise Jumblelick said her nephew has been in the hospital for over a year and is still hanging in there. “Bobby D” DeLaney just returned from a trip back east to NJ for a family wedding and also spent time in Boston where he was able to spend time with all of his siblings and all of his kids. Andy gave a buck in recognition of Northwestern’s victory over the Utah. Tony gave sad bucks for Purdue’s loss to Auburn and in honor of the Executive Director and Founder of the Tucson Jazz Festival who passed on Dec.26. Norm shared insights on the visit of his holiday guest.
President Bob reviewed the progress the club has made toward meeting its yearly goals. He then addressed membership and asked members to share their ideas for attracting new members. Here’s a summary:
1. Review the 23 best practices list prepared by the district membership chair.
2. Some clubs that have been successful in attracting younger members are those that are getting their meeting done in one hour.
3. We should get behind the new CRC Rule of 40 Membership Program.
4. Consider replicating The Tucson Rotary Club March madness competition which resulted in 22 new members for them.
5. Consider a reach out strategy that involves going where the 40 and younger age groups gather versus inviting them to come to where we are.
6. Each member accept the responsibility to bring a guest to a club meeting/event at least once each quarter.
7. Utilize The terms “volunteer opportunities in Tucson” or “Philanthropy in Tucson “ on our website so that CRC comes up when individuals are seeking those kinds of opportunities or organizations.
8. Appoint a committee of three or four to develop strategies and visit businesses close to our meeting location. Suggestions included Picor, The Udall Law Offices, Businesses in the Williams Center such as Raytheon Missile Systems and Texas Instruments.
9. Develop a membership recruitment approach/process to follow up with guest speakers and member guests of the club.
10. When reaching out to other businesses or organizations , our approach should be one of inviting them to tell us about their goals and hopes for involvement in the community rather than leading with our activities and needs and inviting them to join us.
The meeting ended at 1:40pm with lots of enthusiasm for all of topics discussed.