What’s up internationally – Exciting opportunities for Rotary & the Catalina Rotary Club
Presenter: Barbara J. Kiernan, PhD, Chair World Community Service Committee, Catalina Rotary
Barbara Kiernan’s presentation shares great news about Rotary’s international efforts. It will look briefly at what has happened internationally at the Catalina Rotary Club, what came of that effort, and what’s on the front burner for the coming year. A lot has happened in the last two years, Covid-19 included, but the story is headed in a very positive direction!
Barbara has been a Rotarian since 1993, and president of Catalina from 2009-2010. Throughout these years, she has worked extensively on writing grants and developing humanitarian projects, especially in Mexico. Her years at the University of Madrid, undergraduate and masters from the University of Michigan, and doctorate from the University of Arizona prepared her well for writing grants and developing sustainable programs. Fluency in Spanish was another plus, especially following 14 years of living and working in Venezuela. Barbara’s presentation will focus on ways Catalina Rotary can participate in and keep abreast of international efforts to serve the world’s people, both here in Arizona and abroad.
Some pics from our August 20, 2021 hybrid meeting.