Monthly Archives: January 2025

February 7, 2025: Update-Imbabazi Center for Women and Children

Merle Anderson retired in 2000 from River Valley Cooperative where he served as Manager. He spent a thirty-seven year career in senior management for farm supply and grain marketing cooperatives in western Illinois and eastern Iowa. Upon retirement, and as a long-time Rotarian, Merle fulfilled fifteen assignments as a business consultant for newly formed companies [...]

January 17, 2025: An American Haboob – Causes & Trends of Dust Storms in Arizona

Eyad Atallah, Ph.D., is a life-long weather enthusiast with a varied background including operational forecasting, television, as well as academia. He specializes in the synoptic analysis of extreme weather events and climate change. Eyad has authored over thirty peer-reviewed publications on extra-tropical transition, extreme precipitation events, droughts in western North America, and the impacts of [...]

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