A Full House full of members and guests today learned about our upcoming Holiday Party, a chance to join fellow members to hear Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at The Fox Theatre, The Ride to End Polio this weekend, updates on service opportunities, and a program by Superior Court Judge Charles V. Harrington.
President Pat Egbert opened the meeting right on time (12:10) and M Craig offered the invocation.
Guests in attendance:
Anita McDonald brought Fay Sias.
Dick Stein brought his wife, Johanna.
President Pat brought Brian Longenbaugh.
President Pat gave Immediate Past President Anita an Award for Outstanding Club Service that had been presented to the club at the District Conference.
He also reminded the club that the official visit of District Governor Joe Hentges will be our next meeting, December 1st. Please be sure not to miss this excellent opportunity to hear about the plans and vision for D5500.
Our last official meeting of the year will be on December 15th. It will be our Holiday Party and 16 fabulous Mariachis will be with us to celebrate.
The last event of the year will be on Thursday, December 21st, at the Fox Theater. Steve Pender has gotten us specially priced tickets for Big Bad Voodoo Daddy – a “blusey, swing, boogie, jazz group that will surely make for a fun holiday concert. Thanks JoAnne Westerman for all the adjectives! Steve still has a few tickets left so contact him if you are interested.
Phyllis James announced that The Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals (VAREP) is providing free meals for homeless veterans on December 4th at the Veteran’s Administration Campus from 11 – 2. Phyllis is an officer in this organization and you can contact her if you would like to make a donation to support the effort.
Tony Spear reminded us that last minute pledges for El Tour can still be made. The ride is this weekend! Good luck cyclists from Catalina Rotary: Tony Spear, Kirk Reed, Tom Robertson.
District Governor Elect, Kirk Reed, announced that the Bill and Melinda Gates raised their matching pledge to Rotary this year from 70 million to 100 million dollars. That’s wonderful, but we will need to come up with 15 million more dollars to take advantage of that match. El Tour de Tucson is a great way to do that!
Sharyn Chesser announced that the Capacitar Wellness Program the club sponsored was at TMC on November 6th at TMC from 11 AM – 6 PM providing free therapies for children with very challenging illnesses. Sustainable club efforts personified!
President Elect Bob Grady passed out flyers for Rotary Shirts. Very impressive! You can contact him to get one or more!
The Nomination Roster for next year’s officers was distributed, and write-in candidates were solicited. Elections in December.
Queen of Hearts:
Dick Stein’s number came up for the drawing, but wife Johanna drew a 4 of Hearts, not the Queen! Sorry Dick, but thanks for rolling over the pot. Someone is going to win it!
Sergeant At Arms (SAA):
SAA Irv Mindes along with “Can Man” Bob Stofft worked the meeting to raise $$$ for Rotary’s causes. First up, FREE TAX ADVICE! Lots of help from Tom Jones. How great to have the experts around!
Happy Bucks from Anita, Irv, Pat, Andy, Dorice, JoAnne, and Pres. Pat.
Today’s Speaker:

The Hon. Charles V. Harrington was our Guest Speaker
The Hon. Charles V. Harrington shared his views about the Arizona judicial system and recent changes that make it more accessible and efficient. Judge Harrington’s presentation was not only informative, but very interesting. Personal and amusing reflections brought the legal system closer to many of us than it has ever been. Thank you for providing Catalina Rotarians with an interesting and relevant consideration of new aspects of Arizona’s judicial system.
Respectfully submitted by Scribe/Member Barbara Kiernan