Year: 2012
Goals: To raise money to open Jacobs Park Pool for the month of June.
Leaders: Sharyn Chesser, Carrie Allen, Noni O’Sullivan, Jo Anne Westerman, Kirk Reed, Lynn Perez-Hewitt, Pat Egbert, Bob Delaney, Pete Walsh, Sandra Munier, Nancy Schlegel, Phil Spector, Bill Salisbury, M Craig and Dan Blumenthal
A bright spot in the ongoing City of Tucson budget crisis is the Catalina Rotary Club’s offer to pay to keep the Jacob’s Pool open for the month of June 2012.
Get your tickets to our Kentucky Day Derby fund raising party or show your generous support by making a donation at today!
President-elect Dan Blumenthal is interviewed about Rotary support to keep pools open for kids this summer.
Checkout the video from KVOA Channel 4 about this project.
Run Time: 2:17
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And here’s a video from the local Tucson 12 channel about the city’s plan to open more pools with our own President Sharyn Chesser.