
Article XII

Community, National and International Affairs

Section 1 – Proper Subjects.

The merits of any public question involving the general welfare of the community, the nation, and the world are of concern to the members of this club and shall be proper subjects of fair and informed study and discussion at a club meeting for the enlightenment of its members in forming their individual opinions. However, this club shall not express an opinion on any pending controversial public measure.

Section 2 – No Endorsements.

This club shall not endorse or recommend any candidate for public office and shall not discuss at any club meeting the merits or demerits of any such candidate.

Section 3 – Non-Political.

(1) Resolutions and Opinions. This club shall neither adopt or circulate resolutions or opinions, and shall not take action dealing with world affairs or international policies of a political nature.

(2) Appeals. This club shall not direct appeals to clubs, peoples, or governments, or circulate letters, speeches, or posed plans for the solution of specific international problems of a political nature.

Section 4 – Recognizing Rotary’s Beginning.

The week of the anniversary of Rotary’s founding (23 February) shall be known as World Understanding and Peace Week. During this week, this club will celebrate Rotary service, reflect upon past achievements, and focus on programs of peace, understanding, and goodwill in the community and throughout the world.