
Article VI


Section 1 – General Qualifications.

This club shall be composed of adult persons of good character and good business and professional reputation.

Section 2 – Kinds.

This club shall have two kinds of membership, namely: active and honorary.

*Interim Provision Relating to Section 2 – Notwithstanding the provisions of article VI, section 2, no one who was a member of a Rotary club as of 1 July 2001 shall lose membership by reason of enactment 01-148 adopted by the 2001 Council on Legislation.

Section 3 – Active Membership.

A person possessing the qualifications set forth in article V, section 2 of the RI constitution may be elected to active membership in this club.

Section 4 – Transferring or Former Rotarian.

A member may propose to active membership a transferring member or former member of a club, if the proposed member is terminating or has terminated such membership in the former club due to no longer being engaged in the formerly assigned classification of business or profession within the locality of the former club or the surrounding area. The transferring or former member of a club being proposed to active membership under this section may also be proposed by the former club.

Section 5 – Dual Membership.

No person shall simultaneously hold active membership in this and another club. No person shall simultaneously be a member and an honorary member in this club. No person shall simultaneously hold active membership in this club and a membership in a Rotaract club.

Section 6 – Honorary Membership.

(d) Eligibility for Honorary Membership. Persons who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals may be elected to honorary membership in this club.

*The 2001 Council on Legislation adopted an enactment that eliminated types of membership senior active, past service, and additional active) and revised the classification principle. However, no one who is a member of a Rotary club as of 1 July 2001 will lose membership by reason of the new provisions. All such persons will be considered active members.

(e) Rights and Privileges. Honorary members shall be exempt from the payment of admission fees and dues, shall have no vote, and shall not be eligible to hold any office in this club. Such members shall not hold classifications, but shall be entitled to attend all meetings and enjoy all the other privileges of this club. No honorary member of this club is entitled to any rights and privileges in any other club, except for the right to visit other clubs without being the guest of a Rotarian.

Section 7 – Holders of Public Office.

Persons elected or appointed to public office for a specified time shall not be eligible to active membership in this club under the classification of such office. This restriction shall not apply to persons holding positions or offices in schools, colleges, or other institutions of learning or to persons who are elected or appointed to the judiciary. Members who are elected or appointed to public office for a specified period may continue as such members in their existing classifications during the period in which they hold such office.

Section 8 – Rotary International Employment.

This club may retain in its membership any member employed by RI.